About us
We would like to introduce overselves as "STAR BALANCING, FIRST ISO 9001:2008 COMPANY IN DYNAMIC BALANCING." The one and best dynamic unit in Pune, Providing exclusive services of On site dynamic balancing, Vibration Analysis, Condition Monitoring, In shop balancing ALL OVER INDIA.
We are in sector Since last 25 years. We undertaken AMC for job balancing, Vibration Analysis, Condition Monitoring for all types of Rotating Parts & Assemblies of machines of almost all types of industries as Cement Plants, Steel Plants, Paper Mills , Sugar Factories, Chemical Factories, Textile Industries, Petroleum Industries, Milk Dairy's , Oil & Refineries, Food Processing Plants , etc.
Following are Our Features:
- We do dynamic balancing at your site in your primises in your witness, the job may be anywhere all over India.
- Also we have TWO well equipped Dynamic Balancing Units in Pune City.
- We are already catering Balancing Services to many of our customers in pune and all over India FOR Normal and Typical Designed Machines.
- On-Site Balancing means Balancing the job at your site in its assembled condition which saves production loss, the loss of "Manpower" as well as "Time" for Dis- assembling and Re-assembling the job, Transport, Octroi, Follow up and never the less heavy loss by breakdown etc.
- Dyanamic Balancing of any type Rotating Parts or Assemblies at your site , right from small jobs in grams to heavy jobs in tones and from 60 rpm upto 6 lakh rpm.
- Vibration analysis , FET analysis of Rotating Assemblies At your site gives Bearing Condition, Vibration Severity , Root cause of vibrations for taking preventive or corrective actions.
- Dyanamic Balancing of Blowers, CMC, VMC, HMC Fixtures & spindles, Spindle assebly's. Exhause fans, Crushers, Milk & Oil Separators, Cranks, Flywheels, Centrifuges, Generator Rotors, Pulleys, Rollers, Sugar and Textiles Machineries, Shot blasting Rotors, SPM,Agilators.